How To Get Invited
If you feel you have what it takes and are able to think outside of “A box” and keep a secret while willing to create a work of Art JUST FOR FUN, email the Game Keeper with your name, email address, web site link and “Let The Game” process take its course of possibilities. In order to have Fun and keep this rule you MUST TRUST IN THE PROCESS… Its a REAL Surreal Experience for all involved.
A few things you may like to know:
-The Game is Played once a Year and is in play for approximately 3 months.
-Each artist has 17 days to create their master piece.
-The artists will not know who they are paired with. Only the Game Keeper knows until the day of the unveiling.
-The unveiling is when all participants and guest, for the first time see the pieces come together as an Exquisite Corpse .In addition to the art work the artists stories are inspiring . It is a unique experience!
–After the Unveiling the art work becomes part of a traveling exhibit of “Though Provoking Art”. Its intended for Museums and High end Galleries.
Imagination is the #1 element followed by Talent. ITS A GAME
Thank You for checking us out