Exquisite News

Exquisite Corpse Games V2.0

Jose Rodeiro Why I accepted to play…

Jose Rodeiro was hesitant at first As most artists when invited . As the gamekeeper refers to it “The participating artist must be on “the same frequency” . To play this game you must be talented and devoted to the profession of the arts.

Dr. Rodeiro is an alumnus of Jesuit High School of Tampa.  And, has lectured as a Visiting Professor, Department of Visual Poetics, UNESP (Sao Paulo University, Bauru), Brazil, fall 2011, and as a Visiting Professor, Art Department, UNESP (Sao Paulo University), Sao Paulo, Brazil, fall 2011.  And, he worked in Barcelona, Spain, from 1985-1986, during his Visual Artist Fellowship in Painting from the National Endowment for the Arts, [(Washington, DC)]. He is a former-Professor of Studio Art and Art History at New Jersey City University (Jersey City, New Jersey); as well as within the University of Maryland System’s Frostburg campus, along with teaching art history within Pratt Institute’s Graduate Program, and color-theory courses for Professor Salvatore Tagliarino within the Design Department, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, NYC, NY. 

It has always been a challenge to choose the Arts as a profession. It is a business and not all artists are as business minded as they are talented. You must have passion and vision to be an artist. An artist is not selling widgets. They are manufacturers of “self expression” and as all manufacturing the better the process the higher profitability.

The Arts is one educational process The world can use more of. Support for the arts & artists is needed now more than ever. Lets break the cycle and allow artists to make a living and get compensated for their work & efforts while “still alive”.

This game has many ripple effects. Its an organic way of contributing to the world through “Thought Provoking Art” … The GameKeeper

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