Site icon Exquisite Corpse Games

GameKeeper Ann Marie aka Cash


This Unique Exquisite Corpse Game is a New version(V2.0)  inspired by the original game (circa 1925) by Andre Breton . With every New Year a new game is played symbolic for New glass of wine as per original game. With every New Game new art and stories come to life. It is a Surreal Art Experience.

The Game Keeper established Exquisite Corpse Games LLC in 2017 and has evolved beyond any and all expectations.  The ripple effects are limitless.  Imagination is key. As mentioned The Game Keeper has various roles. As it pertains to the game The first one is to seek and invite artists.  For the artists, the intrigue of not knowing who they are collaborating with and the possible outcome is an exciting challenge, for those who dare to accept! Its the Game Keepers job to keep everyone reminded “Imagination must be in play at all times, Its A GAME “Where Art, Science (physics) and Life meet”. Find out more by clicking on ‘How to Play this Game” button below.

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